Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc.

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Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc. is the corporate entity which acts on behalf of the Sigma Phi Delta Kappa Alumni Chapter. Its purpose is to further the objectives of the International Organization of Sigma Phi Delta by mentoring the Active Members of Kappa Chapter and maintaining a Chapter House for their use by offering fellowship to members and by developing fraternal spirit amongst Alumni. Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc. is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of 5 to 7 Kappa Alumni. The membership (and voting quorum) of the Alumni Chapter consists of all Kappa Alumni who pay their annual dues of $50. The first official meeting of Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc. was held on October 1, 2011. It was decided at this meeting to reorganize the previous Alumni Association into the current structure based on the original Articles of Incorporation. The corporation officially became effective on July 12, 2012. The original Board members consisted of Bill Warner, Gary Ray, Keith Hileman, Mike Votaw, and Jake Black. The Kappa Alumni Chapter hosts two official meetings every year. The Annual Meeting is held in the fall and coincides with Trine Homecoming as well as the Fall EOT. The Semi-Annual Meeting is held in the spring and coincides with the Spring EOT.