Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc.

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Sunday, May 25, 2025

When the call for expansion came from the National Office, Brother LeRoy Horpedahl (Epsilon), then serving on the faculty at Tri-State college, Angola, Indiana, saw the need for an engineering fraternity on that campus and proposed the establishment of a Sigma Phi Delta chapter. On February 5, 1947, his ideas were presented to a small group of students. Each student resolved to bring a friend to the next meeting. By February 19, 1947, the group had grown to thirty-five members. On May 25, 1947, thirty-nine undergraduates were installed as Kappa Chapter of Sigma Phi Delta, our first post-War Chapter. The installation team included General Manager Smith and Brother Horpedahl. Charter Chief Engineer of Kappa Chapter was Lyle D. Oleson; Chapter Secretary was Arthur J. Hanna.