Kappa Alumni of Sigma Phi Delta, Inc.

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Earlier this year, at the beginning of February, the Actives had the misfortune of experiencing the Castle basement backed up with sewage. This is something that has happened in the past, and periodic professional cleaning has kept the issue from escalating until this year. The line was cleared and scoped to analyze the cause of the build up, and it was discovered that the clay line connecting to the city sewer had swelled and cracked significantly, which was preventing proper drainage. This meant that the only way to resolve the issue was to completely dig up the line and replace it. The Board was quick to gather quotes, and it was decided at the Semi-Annual Meeting in April that T&T would be hired to get the job done. Since the repair would require closing down Thunder Drive (the main road through Trine campus), the decision was made to wait until classes ended for the summer. Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts of T&T's other summer projects, the sewer line was not able to be fixed during the summer months. T&T was finally able to get started on August 29th, and the project was completed in just three days. Although, having the main road through campus closed while classes were in session was an inconvenience, this was something that could not wait any longer. The project ended up costing around $14K, but now that it's done, we can move on to bigger and better things!